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Historical Society

The Morristown Historical Society welcomes inquires from anyone who would like to know more about the history of Morristown and the area. We also welcome Historical information from anyone who would be interested in sharing.


We also maintain a collection of local history.


The Mill and Museum are open the Saturday and Sunday of Dam Days, always the week-end immediately following Memorial Day. They are also open anytime (spring through early fall) if there is interest. Call Lisa Karsten, 507-649-1366 to set up your private tour of the Mill and Museum.



The History of the

Morristown Historical Society

The Morristown Historical Society was established in 1989. This was a pivotal time in the preserving of the history that put Morristown on the map. The City had ownership of the 1860’s grist mill that was built by Christian Hershey Jr. The water power created by the river and its potential for the milling industry is what brought Morristown founder Jonathon Morris and his family to the area. Jonathan and his son, Walter, originally built a saw mill on the current grist mill site.

The decision had to be made to restore or destroy the mill as it stood. It was serving no real purpose and had become a community eye sore.

Because of the passion of a small group of Morristown citizens, the mill was saved and preservation began. Utilizing the resources available at the Rice County Historical Society and the Minnesota Historical Society, history is currently alive and functioning in Morristown.

In 2010 the Historical Society received the gift of a one room schoolhouse. The schoolhouse was nestled on a corner lot north of the City and owned by Dan and Nancy Morris. Their desire to remove it from their property and the Historical Society’s need for a museum were a perfect match. After much discussion and debate, the schoolhouse was moved into town. Countless hours of hard manual labor were completed by volunteers from every stretch of the land. The building found its new home next to the Mill. The Morristown Historical Society Collections Committee has done an outstanding job of displaying history from the area. Artifacts can now be out and available for all to enjoy during the summer months.

In the summer of 2019, after the diligent work of a committee, the Morristown Feed Mill took its rightful place on the National Register of Historic Places.



Robert Lewis

Vice President

Troy Dahle


Lisa Karsten


Jack Schwichtenberg


Suzanne Lewis

Ginny Dale

Rick Karsten

Mary Lou Davidson

Collections Committee

Karen Schroeder

Mary Lou Davidson

Lisa Karsten

Mill Maintenance Committee

Rick Karsten

Loren Dahle

Troy Dahle

Robert Lewis

LeRoy Rockman

Cemetery Committee

Ginny Dahle

Jack Schwichtenberg

Membership Chair

Troy Dahle

The full membership of the society meets the fourth Tuesday of January, April, July and October. Meetings are held at the Morristown Community Center.
All meetings will start at 6pm.

The Executive Board (officers and trustees) of the society meets on the
fourth Tuesday of March, May, June, August, September and November.
Meetings are held at the Morristown Community Center. There is no
meeting in December.

Membership dues are $15.00 per member for the year 2021 and should be
mailed to the Morristown Historical Society, P.O. Box 11, Morristown, MN 55052

©2023 by City of Morristown

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