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City Parks

The City of Morristown has beautiful parks and a new playground. There are picnic tables, pavilions, and restrooms.

Contact City Hall to reserve one of two park pavilions.

(507) 685-2302


“There is no place like home”

Lyman Frank Baum

Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail

Located on a converted rail-trail, the Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail offers 39 miles of paved trail. The trail begins at Lime Valley Road near State Highway 14, joins the Minnesota River Trail in Mankato, passes through three miles of Sakatah Lake State Park, and ends east of Interstate 35 in Faribault. 

The Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail runs through a beautiful landscape of farmland, lakes, wetlands, and woods.

At times, the trail runs immediately adjacent to several large lakes, including Wells Lake, Cannon Lake, Sakatah Lake, Lake Elysian, and Eagle Lake. Be sure to stop for an extended rest at Sakatah Lake State Park; the trail runs through the park for 3 miles and the area is a great place to picnic, hike, or swim.


©2023 by City of Morristown

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